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Aerospace Enterprise Team & Calumet High School
April 15, 2003

Aerospace Enterprise Team and Calumet High School students will build their own satellite, thanks to a $125,000 grant from NASA and the Air Force Office of Scientific Research.

Robotics Team Qualifies for the Nationals
April 08, 2003

The FIRST Robotics Competition is an international competition that brings together experts and young people to solve an engineering design problem.

The Enterprise Program is Featured in ASEE's Prism Magazine
April 03, 2003

The April 2003 issue of Prism Magazine, the journal of the American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE), features an article about Michigan Tech's Enterprise Program: "Blazing an Entrepreneurial Trail": "Engineering students who graduate from Michigan Tech's Enterprise Program have a choice. They can work for someone else or they can start their own companies."