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From Bikes to Baghdad: Enterprise Team Works with Marquette Firm on Video for the Battlefield

a Michigan Tech's Integrated Microsystems Enterprise has been tapped by Marquette firm V.I.O. Inc. to field-test the POV.1, a small, wearable video camera tailored for the military.

The ultimate goal is to develop a completely wireless transmission system, so what a soldier sees and hears on the battlefield can be viewed and recorded at a remote command post. The project is funded by the Army Research Lab.

The digital POV.1 (for "point of view") is an offspring of V.I.O.'s earlier Adventure Cam analog video camera systems, long favorites of cyclists, snowboarders and other sporting enthusiasts. Users strap the cameras to helmets, handlebars or about anything else, record the action, and then play back movies on their computers or other video equipment.

Read the rest of the article, via Michigan Tech's Tech Today.